Iñupiaq hunter watching for seal, Nome, Alaska. ASL-P240-210, George Parks Photograph Collection, Alaska State Library-Historical Collections.
The Alaska Steamship Company’s Steamship “Jefferson” in Skagway, Alaska, circa 1906. Courtesy Candy Waugaman.
Can-Can girls at the Skagway Days of 98 celebration, 1960’s. Courtesy Candy Waugaman.
Welcome to the Alaska Historical Society
The Alaska Historical Society (AHS) is a nonprofit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to the promotion of Alaska history by the exchange of ideas and information, the preservation and interpretation of resources, and the education of Alaskans about our shared and diverse heritage. Governed by a 15-member board, the Society provides a forum and a vehicle to achieve these goals. AHS is a membership organization with 150+ members. Join us by visiting our membership page and receive our quarterly newsletter and biannual history journal.
EXTRA! EXTRA! In 1925, a life-saving relay involving 20 mushers and more than 150 sled dogs carried diphtheria antitoxin 674 miles from Nenana to Nome, battling harsh weather conditions to stop a deadly epidemic in isolated Nome. Gunnar Kaasen's team, with Balto in lead, delivered the serum to Dr. Curtis Welch at 5:30am on February 2, 1925, to conclude the Serum Run or Great Race of Mercury. Celebrate the 100th anniversary of these amazing historic events! MUSEUM TALKSPresented at Carrie... (Read More)
Read our letter, sent to all three members of Alaska's congressional delegation, requesting that they "promptly introduce legislation to overturn President Trump’s executive order renaming Alaska’s tallest mountain, returning the traditional name favored by Alaska Native peoples and most Alaskans – Denali." Read the letter The Alaska Historical Society weighs in on the renaming of Denali to Mount McKinley as special guests on National Public Radio. Listen in to AHS Executive Director Jo Antonson on the history of the mountain's... (Read More)
One of America’s most prolific and preeminent historians, University of Texas Professor H.W. Brands will speak on “America: The Next 250 Years,” at 7 p.m. March 20, 2025, at the Anchorage Museum. Author of 30 books, including two that were finalists for the Pulitzer Prize, Brands is a frequent guest on national and international media programs. The following day, March 21, at 5 p.m. at the University of Alaska Fairbanks BP Design Theater, Brands will speak on the topic of... (Read More)
The Alaska Historical Society is pleased to offer recordings of sessions from our annual conference for future viewing. From discussions of underwater WW2 battleships to the legacy of missionaries in Sitka to an in-depth look at the history of our host community, Cordova, the 2024 Conference was a huge success and there is much to learn from the presenters. The Alaska Historical Society offers these recordings free of charge to not just members, but also the broader community. However, as... (Read More)
The Alaska Historical Society is inviting nominations for its annual awards to individuals, historical societies and public institutions for notable research, writing and promotion of Alaska history. Special exhibits, historic walking tours, sign projects, oral histories, anthologies, digitizing archival materials, creating a website and commemorating an anniversary are among projects that have been recognized in the past. Nominations are due September 15, 2024. A nomination should have sufficient detail and supporting materials. It should be submitted to the AHS Awards... (Read More)