Iñupiaq men in qayaqs, Noatak, Alaska, circa 1929. Edward S. Curtis Collection, Library of Congress Digital Collections.
Crossing the Chilkoot Pass, circa 1898. Courtesy Candy Waugaman and Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park.
The Gold Rush boomtown of Nome on the Seward Peninsula, 1900. Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library.
Meeting the Northern Consolidated Airlines mail plane on the Kuskokwim River, 1950s. UAF-1991-98-672, Kay J. Kennedy Collection, University of Alaska Fairbanks Archives.
Alaska’s larger archival research facilities that house collections of original documents, maps, photographs, and films. They offer finding aids, on-line research tools, and staff who can help you find what you seek.
Alaska State Library—Alaska Historical Collections
Mailing Address: PO Box 110571, Juneau, AK 99811-0571.
Physical Address: 395 Whittier St. Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: (907) 465-2920
Email: asl.historical@alaska.gov
National Archives and Records Administration
6125 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, Washington 98115-7999
Phone: 206-336-5115
Fax: 206-336-5112
Email: seattle.archives@nara.
National Park Service, Alaska Regional Office
Alaska Region Curatorial Center
240 West 5th Avenue, Suite 114
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
(907) 644-3510
Alaska and Polar Regions Collections & Archives
Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
University of Alaska Fairbanks
310 Tanana Loop
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6808
Phone: 907-474-2791
Email: UAF-APR-reference-Service@alaska.edu
Consortium Library—Archives & Special Collections
University of Alaska Anchorage and Alaska Pacific University
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Phone: 907-786-1849
Email: archives@uaa.alaska.edu
Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center
625 C Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Phone: 907-929-9234
Email: resourcecenter@anchoragemuseum.org
State of Alaska, Office of History and Archaeology
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation
550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 1260
Anchorage Alaska 99501-3557
Phone: 907-269-8721
Fax: 907-269-8908
Email: dnr.oha@alaska.gov
Alaska State Archives
395 Whittier Street
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: 907.465.2270
Fax: 907.465.2465
Email: archives@alaska.gov
Joint Archives of the Alaska Court System and Alaska Bar Association
Alaska State Court Law Library
Anchorage Law Library
303 K Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Phone: 907-264-0585 (Reference)
Fax: 907-264-0733
Email: library@courts.state.ak.us
Yukon Archives
400 College Drive
P.O. Box 2703 (L-6)
Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 2C6
Phone: 867-667-5321
Email: yukon.archives@gov.yk.ca
Alaska Native Heritage Center
8800 Heritage Center Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99506
Phone: 907-330-8000
Inupiat Heritage Center
PO Box 69
Utqiagvik, Alaska 99723
Phone: 907-852-0422
Yupiit Piciryarait Cultural Center, Library, and Museum
PO Box 368/420 Chief Eddie Hoffman Highway
Bethel, Alaska 99559
Phone: 907-543-4500 or 800-478-5822
Sealaska Heritage Institute
1 Sealaska Plaza, #301
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Phone: 907-463-4844
Alaska Moving Image Preservation Association (AMIPA)
Consortium Library
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Phone: 907-786-4980