

The Alaska Historical Society is governed by a fifteen-member board of directors according to bylaws adopted in 1967 when the organization was first incorporated, and each year holds an annual meeting in different cities around the state.

Terms on the board are for three years, and each board member typically chairs one of the society’s committees or serves as an officer and is on at least one other committee. Members are expected to participate in quarterly teleconference board meetings and attend the annual meeting and conference in the fall. New board members are voted on by the full association membership in a mail-in election and begin their terms at the annual meeting in the fall of the year. Nominations for new board members are welcome from any association member or the general public. If interested—or to suggest someone—please email

2024-2025 Board of Directors

David Ramseur, President, Anchorage
Ian Hartman, Vice-President, Anchorage
Patricia Partnow, Treasurer, Anchorage
Rebecca Poulson, Secretary, Sitka
Pierce Bateman, Anchorage
Carol Gales, Nome
Pausauraq Jana Harcharek, Homer
Gwen Higgins, Anchorage
Erik Johnson, Anchorage
Rich Matson, Juneau
Molly McCammon, Anchorage
Jeff Meyers, Homer
Kaila Pfister, Anchorage
Philip Wight, Fairbanks
Leanna Williams, Fairbanks


Jo Antonson, Executive Director
Ross Coen, Editor, Alaska History
David Ramseur, Editor, Alaska History News
Judy Bittner, Chief, State of Alaska, Office of History and Archaeology
Amy Phillips-Chan, Director, State of Alaska, Division of Libraries, Archives and Museums

Association and Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes are taken at all quarterly board meetings and each annual association business meeting. Alaska Historical Society members interested in minutes from any of our meetings, please contact:

2020 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2022 Annual Business Meeting Minutes

2022 Annual Report