Special Projects

AK mapPeriodically, the Alaska Historical Society takes on special projects or initiatives it believes has statewide importance, or supports grant-funded projects being conducted by other people or organizations in need of a non-profit sponsor or financial manager.

Recent special projects:

AHS Book for Sale:

The Alaska Historical Society. The Alaska 67: A Guide to Alaska’s Best History Books. Walnut Creek, CA: Hardscratch Press, 2006. 95 pp., ISBN:0-9678989-9-4. Price: $16.50.
Editorial board members provide insightful synopses and capsule reviews of all 67 titles, making this book an essential reference for those interested in exploring Alaska’s past. In his introduction, historian Terrence Cole points out that this is a “working list, not an honorary hall of fame of books that all might praise and none would read.” He goes on to note that selecting best books is “as hazardous as selecting one’s ‘best’ children . . . it is bound to cause trouble.” But according to Bob DeArmond, former newspaperman and 95-year resident of Alaska, “The Alaska 67 will service readers of Alaskana well.”