Thu, December 17, 2015

Rebuilding Alaska: Breathing New Life into Kake’s Historic Cannery

Reconstruction project to incubate business and stimulate rural Alaska economy

By Bethany Goodrich
Published: December 10, 2015 by Alaska Business Monthly

Kake Cannery

The Kake Cannery near Kake, Alaska had a significant role in the history of salmon canning in Alaska during the first half of the 20th century. It is currently threatened by the loss of the canning industry and its deterioration over time. (From, America’s Most Endangered Places.)

“It was approaching dusk in April when something out-of-the-ordinary, yet strangely familiar, caught Casimero Aceveda’s eye. “It was like something being reborn,” says Aceveda. The lights in the old cannery were on for the first time in almost forty years.”
Check out this informative article online at: Alaska Business Monthly on the renewal of one of Alaska’s oldest canneries in Southeast.