Sat, May 04, 2024

Student and Emerging Professional Awards Open Through May

Student and Emerging Professional Awards

Alaska Historical Society Annual Meeting and Conference,
Rights and Responsibilities in Alaska History
Cordova / Virtual, October 9-12, 2024

The Alaska Historical Society offers two scholarships to attend its annual meeting and conference.  They are for post-secondary students researching an Alaska history topic or for an emerging professional in a related field.  Awards consist of travel expenses and a conference registration package.


  • Applicant must be a member of the Alaska Historical Society at the time of applying.
  • Student applicants must be a graduate or undergraduate student in Fall 2024 with a course of study related to Alaska history.
  • Emerging professional applicants must be engaged in Alaska history or cultural work, and have been so employed fewer than five years. 
  • Applicants are required to attend the meeting in its entirety and make a presentation.
  • Information about the meeting and the call for papers can be found at:

Application process: An applicant must submit: 1) letter with a statement of eligibility and an explanation of how attending the meeting will enhance your academic or professional development, 2) title and abstract of proposed presentation, and 3) a résumé.  Applicants will be judged on the applicant’s achievement in Alaska history relative to current status and the likely benefit of the meeting to the applicant.

The application deadline is May 31.  Electronic submission is preferred.  Applications should be submitted to or via regular mail to:  AHS Awards, P.O. Box 100299, Anchorage, AK 99510.