
Category: News

Tue, October 05, 2021

Solidarity with Alaska’s Jewish Community

Statement on History, the Climate of Divisiveness, and Support and Solidarity with Alaska’s Jewish Community The Alaska Historical Society Board of Directors expresses support and solidarity with Alaska’s Jewish community. In the last few weeks, we have watched with dismay as a series of anti-Semitic actions have taken place in our largest community, Anchorage. A few weeks ago, the Alaska Jewish Museum was again vandalized. This time, vandals etched swastikas and placed Nazi stickers across the museum’s entry door. More... (Read More)
Mon, March 15, 2021

Newspaper Research Guide

As of March 2021, a great new resource is now available in the AHS website's For Researchers Section. Chris Allan, a historian with the National Park Service who is well known for his extensive use of historic newspapers to research innovative subjects, has prepared a guide called “The Newspaper Bonanza: How to Discover Alaska’s Past in Newspaper Databases.” With this guide, Chris hopes to stimulate others to undertake new investigations in the world of newspaper storytelling.
Mon, March 15, 2021

Eyewitness Booklet Series

Chris Allan has compiled five booklets of what he calls the “Eyewitness Series.”  They are being made available on the Alaska Historical Society’s website. Chris’s intent with the first four booklets is to showcase voices of the past: “I wanted to get away from the traditional historian’s narrative form where primary sources play a secondary or tertiary role behind the historian’s voice and analysis. I like the idea of people hearing history from the eyewitnesses. In each case, I was... (Read More)
Sun, January 17, 2021

Eyes on the Past: Saving Alaska’s History

The Alaska Film Archives has kicked off the new semester by posting a throwback YouTube video in honor of the Alaska and Polar Regions Collections & Archives at Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The 15-minute video "Eyes on the Past: Saving Alaska's History" celebrates UAF's archival collections by highlighting the Alaska Steamship Company Collection, consisting of the company's business records, publications, books and photographs. *Eyes on the Past: Saving Alaska's History*             ... (Read More)
Sun, January 17, 2021

Lecture: Sinking of the Good Ship DORA

The 100th Anniversary Lecture: Sinking of the Good Ship DORA By J. Pennelope Goforth Cook Inlet Historical Society, 2020-2021 Speaker Series, “Disasters” Thursday January 21, 2021    7:00PM Join us online for a free virtual CIHS lecture. Advance registration is required to receive the link. Please register directly on the Anchorage Museum website: The staunch little steamer Dora served in Alaskan waters her entire career: delivering the mail, transporting food and goods from Southeast Alaskan ports all the way to Bristol... (Read More)